Supporting associated domains | Apple Developer Documentation
Connect your app and a website to provide both a native app and a browser experience.
ios – Apple app site association subdomain setup – Stack Overflow
Let's try to make an example that would make most sense to explain my problem. Let's say I have my app available on and also created few universal links like tha…
App Search Programming Guide: Support Universal Links
In your apple-app-site-association file, you specify the paths from your website that should be handled as universal links along with those that should not be handled as universal links. Keep the list of paths fairly short and rely on wildcard matching to match larger sets of paths.
r/iOSProgramming on Reddit: Everything You Need To Know About The Apple App Site Association File
149K subscribers in the iOSProgramming community. A subreddit to discuss, share articles, code samples, open source projects and anything else…
It seems to be back. We've seen an increase from 34k to up to 669k requests to GET /.well-known/apple-app-site-association. Any tips on how to troubleshoot? Almost a 700k GET to /.well-known/apple-app-site-association
How to set up react native universal links for iOS | eKreative
Upload the file to your web server so that when you request get ‘/apple-app-site-association’ it gives you the file.